You Will Be Surprised To Know How BMI & Basal Metabolism Affect Our Weights

You Will Be Surprised To Know How BMI & Basal Metabolism Affect Our Weights

Posted By: Simran    On: January 18th, 2020

Many a times you must have come across Nutritionists and Dieticians recommending you not to skip your breakfast or dinner even though they may be counseling you on weight loss.

A bit weird, isn’t it? Coz as far as basic understanding goes, Eating less by skipping a meal should help in overall weight loss. But No!! Then Why?

Well, skipping breakfast sends the message to your body that you’re starving because you haven’t had food in 18+ hours or so. As a protective mechanism, your METABOLISM slows down and under such circumstances, your body tries to store fat for any inevitability instead of burning it up for regular daily functions. This, thus becomes counter productive to any weight loss program that your nutritionist must be trying to carry you through.  Food, especially complex carbohydrates, fuels your metabolism. Hence recommended to choose whole grain breakfast cereals fortified with vitamins and minerals.

The term BMI or in its full form the “Basal Metabolic Index”, can be found  being used liberally in most fitness centers or gymns or any health magazines. BMI has become so common a usage in the health fraternity that even before asking your name, a dietician will be interested in knowing your BMI first.  The importance of BMI can thus be gauged from the above and beyond any reasonable doubt, BMI is Important.

What’s BMI & Why Does It Matter?

Well, BMI is a numeric number that indicates your body fatness or for that matter the Obesity levels. By feeding your height, weight and age into an arithmetic formula, doctors and nutritionist can derive your BMI, that is a  good reflection of your body fat. Many BMI calculators abound online. These are mostly for adults. Once your BMI is known, then it can be used to asses your proneness to many a medical conditions and diseases that are dependent and more a consequence of your excess weight. The normal range of BMI is 18 – 24 in adults. Values between 24 and 29 is reflective of a person being in the slightly overweight / overweight category. When the BMI increases to more than 29, then the person is considered obese which also has levels like Obesity Level 1 or Obesity Level 2.

Based on the NFHS data, the percentage of people who are overweight or obese in Delhi, which also happens to be the National Capital of India is alarming. 

The data reveals that 45.5% Males in Delhi are Obese. The data also reveals that 49.8% i.e. almost half of Delhi’s Female population are Obese.

Carrying so much of extra kilograms of weight on your body structure is certainly harmful to your overall health. Even a few extra kgs’ of extra weight increase the pressure on your joints, which in turn makes people avoid walking and this becomes a vicious circle of weight gain due to less activity. Research shows that obesity can lead to a slew of health conditions that invariably get complicated over time. Some of these medical conditions that could be developed due to obesity are:  

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Certain cancers
  • High cholesterol
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Respiratory diseases, including sleep apnoea (short time periods when your breathing stops temporarily)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Strokes
  • Etc etc

Although Basal Metabolism measured through BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fat, there are many other factors that need to be also considered. For example, if you are athletic, hit the gymn often and have a muscular body, then you are in all likelihood to have a greater BMI. Many Organizations also recommend considering waist circumference, that reflects to an extent, your body fat; your levels of inactivity; and many other medical conditions that you may be encountering.

BMI Calculating Formula:

The most basic formula for calculating BMI is:

Lowering your BMI

If your BMI is high and points to your being in the Overweight or Obese category, then its essential that your make efforts to lower your BMI. There are many ways to lower your BMI to regain your health and well-being. Studies show that when middle age adults lose even a few kilograms, their risks to many a metabolic and lifestyle diseases drop tremendously. Losing weight lowered ones levels of blood related metabolic risks, such as low density lipoprotein, the often termed “bad cholesterol”, “amino acids’ affecting diabetes and proteins that are related to chronic inflammation & damaged liver function.

The best way to lower ones BMI to get back to the healthy range of below 24 is through effective and intelligent dieting and exercise. In today’s times, when calorie and nutrient charts are made compulsory by food regulatory bodies across the world, the possibilities for healthy eating are a plenty. Same way, with gymnasiums and health centres plaguing every nook and corner of the cities, getting measured physical activity is also not a problem.

Easiest you can do justice to your BMI and Metabolism is to find a reputed nutritionist or dietician and get a healthy diet plan customized for yourself that will work wonders for you. Once you get onto the right track, lose no time in getting your whole family to taste the fruits of keeping ones BMI in the Normal range.

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